20 dramatic photos about abandoned residential complexes near Paris and their middle-aged residents

After the end of World War II, Paris faced a housing crisis. To cope with a difficult situation, in a Parisian suburb began to build a residential complex called "Large Ensembles" and populate people there. However, over time, the houses were empty anyway: people moved from new futuristic housing for a very banal reason - lack of jobs in the area.

Today, the unusual houses of the Big Ensembles are mostly abandoned. But some of them still live people who remained here back in the 50-60s, when the complex was just built. It was they who became the protagonists of the “Memoirs of the Future” photo project, authored by the famous photographer Laurent Kronental.

"My series" Memoirs of the Future "is a reflection on the meaning of the existence of" great construction projects "of the middle of the last century. The everyday life of the heroes of these pictures, old people from the Parisian suburbs, flows against the backdrop of monuments to human ambition and the post-war race of grandiose architectural structures"- says Kronental.

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Watch the video: Top 15 Horrifying Abandoned Places To Explore (September 2024).

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