20 amazing shots that before the Taliban came Afghanistan was different

You hardly associate Afghanistan with short skirts, good cars and a liberal lifestyle, and this is not at all surprising. TravelAsk wants to show you that just as Iran in the 70s was not the same as we know it now, Afghanistan in the 60s was a completely different country that has nothing to do with today's state.

These pictures were taken by American professor Bill Podlich, who took a 2-year vacation in 1967 to work for UNESCO in Afghanistan. He served as an expert on the principles of education at the Higher Pedagogical College in Kabul. During this period, he managed to take a huge number of photographs of everyday life in Afghanistan. 10 years later, the state was drawn into the war, and then the power passed to the Taliban. Today, Afghanistan has nothing to do with a peaceful and prosperous country, which you will see in the pictures below.

Young photographer in the gardens of Pagman

Students at Kabul Higher Education College

Dancing in kindergarten

Cooperative learning

Afghan schoolgirls

Training under the trees

Bus tour

Elder sister

Afghan hound

Rush hour

Decorating cakes

Tea and music

At the American International School in Kabul

Buying Scarves

Blonde and Afghans


Kabul Gorge

Making dessert

Bus driver

Tunnel Salang

Watch the video: Taliban Captures Mazar-e-Sharif, Massoud's Forces Repel Attack (September 2024).

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