Who sees the world in pink

Looking at the world through pink glasses is the destiny of dreamers and optimists. But in the animal world, everything is not as people used to see. Thanks to scientists, we can imagine how various representatives of the animal world see the surrounding space. And there are certain species whose vision is arranged in such a way that they actually see the world in pink.

This, for example, is an iconic sparrow. Cute birds see everything around in shades of pink: from light to purple. The ends of the photosensitive nerves in their retina (the so-called cones) carry oily yellow-red droplets. These tiny droplets act as light filters that attenuate green and blue rays and transmit red ones, which is why birds perceive the world in shades of pink. At the same time, sparrows do not like the color blue, and shiny objects scare them.

But, for example, dogs do not see the difference between red, green, yellow or orange. And their ability to cross the road to the desired traffic signal is not at all related to the ability to distinguish colors. It's just that they are very smart and focus on how the sequence of traffic signals changes, as well as on the actions of people around. Our other pets, cats, distinguish only shades of gray, green and blue, partly purple and yellow.

But, according to scientists, most mammals are generally not able to distinguish colors, they see the world in shades of the same color. And even the bulls do not see the red rag.

Researchers have found that, as a rule, animals have color vision, which themselves have a bright and varied color. But the owners of a plain-looking exterior see the world in shades of the same color and are called achromats. There are animals that are somewhat lucky, they distinguish two colors.

But there are special lucky ones, before whom the world appears in all its splendor, and even more than for people. For example, most birds have four receptors, that is, they are tetrachromats; in addition to the traditional three, they have an additional ultraviolet cone. And the pigeons even have another additional pigment, they are pentachromats. And it’s hard to even imagine how beautiful they perceive the world around them. Perhaps this is even nicer than seeing the world in pink.

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