6 impressive sculptures from around the world, at the sight of which the jaw drops

Often it seems to us that monuments are something boring and mundane. Gray concrete sculptures, designed to honor the memory of famous cultural figures, politicians and so on, have long been of no interest. And yet in the world there are a huge number of absolutely amazing and impressive sculptures that, with their appearance, refute all these prejudices. Looking at some of them, sometimes you think: how was anyone able to come up with this? We found 6 amazing sculptures, the authors of which, of course, are real geniuses.

Handbag Monument, Italy

Monument to the designer, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

The power of nature, Qatar

Wedding Rings, Vancouver, Canada

Monument to Franz Kafka, Prague, Czech Republic

Officer Themis, Denmark

Watch the video: Amazing Sculpture Around The world (May 2024).

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