10 lighthouses that found new "professions"

With the advent of GPS, modern sailors are practically not required such devices as beacons. Therefore, lonely and beautiful luminaries lonely rise against the backdrop of waters leaving the horizon, they can only wait and hope that someday they will still find a new application. And, it is worth saying, some of them were already lucky to find a new "profession": they were transformed into museums, restaurants and even hotels.

Kyz Kulesi in Istanbul (Turkey)

In the Bosphorus Strait on a small island there is a charming lighthouse, whose name means "Maiden's Tower" in translation. There are several versions of the appearance of this building. The first says that it was built by the Athenian commander Alkibiades as early as 411 BC, and the second tells that the tower was built by the Roman emperor Constantine the Great in the 3rd century BC Over its long history, the building was destroyed and rebuilt many times, until the last version of it, which has survived to the present day, appeared in the 18th century. In 2000, it was converted into a cozy restaurant with a beautiful observation deck.

Corswall at Corswall Point (Scotland)

The lighthouse was built in 1815, but now it is one of the best hotels, as well as a national treasure of the country. In addition, it features unmatched panoramic views and good service.

Faro de Ilya Pancha in the province of Lugo (Spain)

The picturesque lighthouse was included in the special program of the Spanish government, and now it has begun a new life - its premises will be used as a hotel, in which it is planned to create only three rooms.

Rügerg Knud on the Jutland Peninsula (Denmark)

Built in 1899, the lighthouse was originally 60 meters high, but since the building is located in the zone of sand dunes, every year it is increasingly buried in the sand. While the lighthouse was in working condition, they tried to fight the sand waves, but in 1968 they abandoned it.

Capo Spartivento in Sardinia (Italy)

Although the amazing Milky Way over Capo Spartivento looks absolutely fabulous, this shot is not at all the brainchild of skillful editing, but a real photograph. The lighthouse was built in the mid-19th century by the forces of the navy, but already in the late 80s it began to be used as a hotel. Now there are 10 comfortable rooms, a swimming pool, a jacuzzi, delicious cuisine, Italian cooks and an airport nearby - just 50 kilometers away.

Cape Byron Lighthouse in New South Wales (Australia)

The lighthouse, reminiscent of a magnificent medieval fortress, was built in 1901. It is still in effect, however, in combination it also began to fulfill the function of the Maritime Museum. The place is very popular among tourists, up to 500 thousand visitors can visit here in a year.

Rivingen Lighthouse (Norway)

The lighthouse was built on Rivingen Island in 1867, and in 2002 it became part of the hotel business, although the living conditions are almost Spartan: even sleeping bags and bed linen should be brought with guests.

Bengsker Island Lighthouse (Finland)

The construction was erected in 1906, but this lighthouse became a hotel only a few years ago. The place is quite secluded, devoid of all fuss. The hotel has a museum, a souvenir shop, a sauna and a chapel, but the most important thing is the 52-meter tower, from which you can enjoy the incredible beauty of the Gulf of Finland.

Sohertis (USA)

This lighthouse appeared in 1869 on the Hudson River. He was retired at the end of the 20th century, but was returned to life in 1990, making him a hotel with only two rooms. Despite the small number of rooms and rather high prices, to get here, you will have to book a room for several months.

Porer Island Lighthouse (Croatia)

The prices here are so low that you can afford to rent not only the entire lighthouse, but also the whole island to boot. It will cost around 17 euros per day. The lighthouse on the secluded islet of Porer was built in the 19th century. It has a pair of bedrooms and a small kitchen. Just do not forget to arrange with the caretaker to bring you provisions every week.

Watch the video: 10 Tallest Lighthouses in the World (September 2024).

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