What did the first Moscow metro stations look like right after the opening

The metro is a real symbol of the big city and transport, without which residents of megalopolises could not imagine their life. The Moscow underground system is one of the most impressive and extensive in the world. It can even be considered a tourist attraction in a sense. Today, the Moscow metro is at a fairly respectable age - it is over 80 years old, which means that its history is very rich and eventful. As often happens, metro stations here are not just a place to wait for trains, but reflect the images and ideas of various historical landmarks of our country. Of course, over more than eight decades, many stations have undergone changes more than once. It is even more interesting today to look at how the most famous of them looked in the first year after their discovery.

Watch the video: Moscow metro stations after blasts, day of mourning (September 2024).

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